Friday, May 22, 2009

Jon & Kate Plus Eight-- The Milli Vanilli of Reality Shows?

I remember the big Milli Vanilli scandal--the duo that made videos and did appearances and received an award for being the best new artists of the year--- who did not sing anything on their recordings and lip-synced their performances. They did nothing except dance and "look" the part.
That's kind of how I view the show Jon & Kate + 8. They look the part-- cute kids, made-over Mom and Dad to be more telegenic--but it seems that less and less is "real" about this reality show. Kate is never home--only for filming, it seems-- or to be snapped by photogs when she is in town. Jon is home, but is assisted by nannies, cooks, landscapers, etc. He has been reported to be out and about at bars with young women in his "free time." And now, we learn, according to the popular press, that Jon and Kate are in a sham of a marriage. That, in fact, they can barely stand each other--but they are keeping up appearances for the sake of the show (subtext--MONEY).
They have presented themselves to middle America as an average, Christian family-- dealing with a large amount of children in a short time. What is the attraction here? They have sacrificed family --their own and extended familes-- for money and fame. Where is the "Christian" in this equation? Quoting Bible verses/Scripture does not make you a Christian. Actions speak louder than words, Jon and Kate. Do the right thing, for heaven's sake.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gosselins in the Media--Facts or Publicity Stunt?

My husband seems to think much of what is being said in the media about the Gosselins recently is a publicity stunt to get more viewers for the new season of the show. I tend to believe it's a little bit of both-- I think there is truth behind some of the allegations-- and I also believe that the PR firm and network are milking it for all it's worth. Either way, it's a sad situation for those kids. Marriage and children be damned--full speed ahead! After all, there's ratings to be had, money to be made!

Those that defend the Gosselins say they NEED to do the show and book tour/speaking engagements to support their family. Oh yeah? How did large families do it before the advent of reality tv? How did my grandparents do it with 11 kids? My former neighbor had six kids-- she and her husband manage more than adequately. My other neighbor is the baby of eight kids--apparently she grew up just fine, with a house and family of her own.

Kate was a nurse, and Jon had an IT job with the Commonwealth of PA. They had a respectable home-- not large, but it was in a nice family neighborhood and had a yard. What dire straits were these two in that they absolutely HAD to exploit their children's childhoods?

The other justification is COLLEGE-- how are they going to pay for eight kids?
First of all, I doubt that ALL eight will choose college, --but if they do, the financial aid formulas take into account how many minors are living at home and how many siblings are in college at the same time. Penn State is a good university and the tuition for state residents isn't that bad, relatively. Kutztown University is even cheaper and has many fine programs as well. Actually, people with larger families who do not have multiples are in potentially worse shape for receiving financial aid than the Gosselins.
So please, gimme a break about the financial reasons--we all have financial issues these days.

Defenders of Kate say she's bitchy, but so what? She is bitchy because she has eight kids! Jon is lazy! Kate does everything! OK--Kate has NEVER done it all by herself--volunteers, family (in the past), a private nurse, helpers, nannies--she's had help from the very beginning, up to and including the present. And now she's rarely home, so who is taking care of the kids?
Jon's lazy? (As per the early episodes)--Who got up and got the twins ready for school and made Queen Kate her morning coffee, placing it on her nightstand for when she woke up at 8:30? Who came home from work and did bath and bedtime duties?Who did the vacuuming? Gassed up the vehicles because Kate never pumps gas?

Things I've seen Jon do:

Actually play with his kids--from play dough, to snow boarding with Cara, to going on all eight days out with the kids, getting all of the kids ready for ski-school in Utah and taking them (while Kate had a headache--but went to the spa nonetheless)

Put together the kid's beds (while Kate bitched)

Paint Cara and Mady's new room (while Kate, yet again, bitched)

Build shelves to organize the garage

Build the carnival stands for the tup's third birthday

Move the furniture and rip out the old carpet in the old house

Get the kids up and dressed on the weekends

Help pack and loads the van for their many trips and outings

Drive hither, tither, and yon

So how exactly, is this guy "LAZY"? He does more than many fathers do. He may lack motivation or ambition, but I wouldn't use the adjective "lazy." Kate even said in an early episode, "I'm the plan maker, and you're the plan DOER (pointing to Jon)".

Defenders say that Jon knew who he was marrying when he wed Kate--hmmmm...wasn't she sickeningly sweet and girl-like in the home videos before they were married? Also, couldn't the same be said about Kate? Didn't she know who Jon was when she married him? That he really wasn't ambitious, wasn't in a hurry to have kids, etc.---why, then rush marriage and fertility treatments, Kate? Did she marry him because she new she could control him? Because his Dad was a well-known, successful dentist in town? I don't know--but they chose each other--BOTH of them.

Of course with any family, especially with a large one, someone has to "steer the ship" and be organized. But you don't have to be a degrading bitch to get the job done. If you act like Captain Bligh--there's eventually gonna be a mutiny.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Gosselin Marriage in Shambles

What to say that hasn't already been said about this mess? The poor kids-- that's all I've been thinking. If even half of what has been asserted is true about their living conditions--filming and mommy and daddy separated but faking it for the cameras--constant fighting between the parents when they ARE together--I truly feel horrible for them.