Friday, April 3, 2009

Uggghh--Season Five is Still Alive--The Gosselin Saga Continues

Big surprise--Jon and Kate Gosselin signed up for yet another season of exploiting their kids. Did anyone ever doubt it? Jon's complaining and Mady's acting out are no match for the lure of easy money and the steamroller that is Kate Gosselin!
Kate reminds me a little of my mother-in-law. If you do not want to do something, you can tell her "No" repeatedly, but the next time she has the opportunity, she'll work on you some more. She'll pretend to drop the subject and pretend to respect your feelings, all the while taking a different tack to get you to do what she wants. And she is not above using guilt or bribery. After a while, you usually end up acquiescing just to end it. Then later, I usually feel manipulated and resentful.
Don't get me wrong, my MIL is a good person. She also is a nurse (lol). She has accomplished much in her life and is a loving mother and grandmother. While I do not always see eye-to-eye with her--I would never come between her and her son or my kids. However, as I have gotten older, I have learned to stand my ground on matters that are important to me. She may think I'm being unreasonable or bitchy--but, oh well--too bad. If you don't stand up to someone like that--they'll roll right over you. People like that will keep on trying to control you unless you take a firm stand. I've had to be as stubborn as a mule sometimes to make my point--it's not easy if, like me, you don't like confrontation. But in time she's (somewhat) learned what will not fly with me--no matter how much she tries. I can now even joke a little with her and say laughingly "That's not gonna happen," when she suggests something that's out of the question.

So, if Jon Gosselin did not want to do another season and got "talked" into it--I can kind of understand how that happened. He might have gotten badgered, brow-beaten, guilted, and manipulated into signing on again--"Do it for your kids! C'mon, we'll get a free trip to Korea(?)--when would we ever be able to do that on our own?! We need to make more money for eight, EIGHT kids to go to college! What about our retirement?! Don't be selfish!" ... and so on.

But if Jon Gosselin ever wants an equal say in the matters of his marriage and family, he's gonna have to bite the bullet and take a stand one day. It won't be easy and it won't be pretty--but his self -respect will increase tremendously. His wife and his kids will eventually come to respect him more as well. Even if Kate pitches the mother of all fits and makes his life miserable--she will eventually have to accept some of Jon's decisions if she wants to make the marriage work--and hasn't she said "We'll be together forever"? Or was that "As long as you do what I say, Jon"?

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