Saturday, June 6, 2009

Reality Ratings Gold

Reality TV thrives on any controversy or drama--it's rating gold for there to be feuds, meltdowns, shouting matches, etc. Viewers want to see drama, intrigue, backstabbing and humiliation. So, of course, the story producers of these shows want people to have some sort of conflict--they don't really want people to just "all get along." Reality shows are NOT documentaries-- they don't merely document what is happening as an objective outside observer.
So, the Jon and Kate marriage drama--real? I'd say the problems between the two are very real--but did the producers of the show find a way to make lemonade out of lemons? Abso-fricken-lutely! Will they gauge the ratings and public response weekly and produce and edit future episode accordingly? You BET!
And what about Jon and Kate? Do they care what this is doing to their marriage and their family, or is the marriage pretty much dead anyway and they're just saying "Show me the money!"?

Unfortunately, the kids will have to live with the real aftermath of this debacle--they have no choice. Will the money really make everything better for the kids?

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