Saturday, December 13, 2008

Why the Gosselins Bug Me

I used to be a fan of the show Jon & Kate + 8 -- for maybe the first season. Kate always kinda irked me, though--she seemed very negative for someone that was so "blessed." However, I wrote it off as resulting from the stress of having twins and sextuplets in a short period of time.

I also figured that getting some free stuff and making a little extra money for the family by doing some shows was not that bad of an idea. Heck, I was even glad for her when she got the tummy tuck--her belly WAS horrendously horrendous!

As a resident of PA, I was aware of some controversy regarding the state funded private nurse, but I was willing at that time to give them the benefit of the doubt--maybe it really WAS needed--I had no idea what having sextuplets was like, after all. And, as for Kate staying home with the kids, I figured full-time childcare for six babies would be VERY expensive and defeat the purpose of Kate and Jon both working outside the home.

Then came season 2. I wondered, "is this show still continuing?" Hmmm. I looked up some info on the internet. Interesting. People had quite strong views about J&K. be continued...

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