Saturday, December 19, 2009

Money and Fame are Kate Gosselin's gods

Kate is not a true Christian, even though she cites Bible verses and her father is a minister. I usually do not judge one's religious practices, as that is private and only God and that person know the true nature of his/her soul.
However, the recent actions by Kate, her lawyers, and TLC are reprehensible and outrageous. They seem to want to twist the screws on Jon Gosselin until he is their puppet again. Sickening.
TLC takes away Jon's most lucrative way of making money and the divorce agreement has him paying large amounts of child support? Even if he gets another IT job in PA--what will that pay? Jon does not have a BA/S or a Master's. He has been out of the workforce for a while, so his skills are probably not up to date. A $30,000 yearly salary is not going to cut it with his bills.

Whatever bone-headed moves Jon has done lately, he is still the father of eight children. Kate married him and desperately wanted children with him. The children also are part of Jon. How can she justify the vengeance and spite her actions have shown? The children will grow up and ask why she treated their father like dirt. Money is not a true "Christian" answer to this question.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What Will Kate and Jon Do Now?

The party's (almost) over--the series finale is coming up soon. What will these two people do now? If she is able to, Kate will continue her media career--another show, another book? I don't care what she does, really, as long as she doesn't drag her kids into it. If she has fans, they'll watch her no matter what she does. I won't. There are plenty of people who have "careers" in TV and the media that I have no idea why or how they got famous --Paris Hilton, Spencer and Heidi, etc.
Jon, who knows? I kinda feel like he has been painted into a corner--although he has done some of the "painting" himself--who is going to hire this guy?
In the end, I kind of feel sorry for them both, even though they did play a huge part in their own undoing. Kate is still the children's mother--and they need their mom. Hopefully, Kate can learn from this experience and become a better mother in time. Ditto for Jon. I say this with hope and optimisim because that is my sincere wish for the Gosselin children.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Trainwreck Keeps on Truckin'

When will Jon and Kate both just SHUT UP? A divorce is hard enough without making the dirty details public. This is ridiculous. Enough already, people. Get on with your lives, Jon and Kate--give your children (and yourselves) some privacy during this difficult time. Find whatever "careers" you can WITHOUT involving your children in the process.

The media, including TLC, have expoited not only the children, but Jon and Kate as well. They're using you, guys. They know you are both weak when it comes to money. They know Kate is weak when it comes to not only the money, but the lifestyle, the fame, and the attention. Dangle those things in front of Kate and she'll do what the media want.
Many people at TLC and the production company have made far more money than either Jon or Kate has made from the series. Eileen O'Neill has made money and boosted her career in the process. What have the Gosselins really achieved? Some money, some freebies, and a ruined family. No real, long-term careers to speak of. Just a shell of a life. Was it really worth it, Jon and Kate?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Gosselins Spending Money Like Drunken Sailors

Wow--how many residences do the Gosselins need? Kate's Md. condo, Jon's NYC condo, the Wernersville house, the Elizabethtown house, and rumor has it, a Utah condo? This cannot be good financially. Even if some of the properties are rented (condos) they come with maintainence and condo fees, as well as the utilities for these homes (so much for "going green", eh, Gosselins?)
The vehilcles: the ginormous van, the minivan, the SUV, the sportscar, the small black sedan, ATV, motorcycle--jeez. I don't begrudge the kids their little car--they deserve something for all their work.
Kate-boob job (perhaps some facial cosmetic procedures and apparently some more lipo?) Tanning, mani-pedis, spa time--not that most "normal" moms don't deserve some "me" time--but Kate has had waaay more than her share. High-end shoes and bags, etc.
Jon--rumored to be spending $$$$ at high-end retail shops/boutiques. Also rumored to be taking some "friends" to Las Vegas later this month (WTF?) Is he gonna waste more of his kid's money on gambling, drinking, and possibly, strippers?
Wake up, Jon and Kate--nothing lasts forever--fame and fortune can be very, very fleeting and fickle. In ten years, do not expect sympathy from the public when you are trying to put Mady and Cara through college and you have to file for bankruptcy--no one will care.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Jon and Kate--who is the better parent?

I guess it is a matter of opinion. Neither one of them is going to win a gold star in my book, and I certainly DO NOT hold either up as an example of good parenting or a role model.

Seeing Jon outside playing Frisbee with his kids shows that at least he wants them to be able to act like kids (it may be argued that it's because Jon is a kid himself). Kate is too busy focusing on what's really important to her--Kate. Kate's needs. Kate's ambition. Kate's obsession with fame and money. She is a classic narcissist in that she sees her children as extensions of herself. She thinks that what is best for her is best for them. If Kate's happy, then her kids should be happy, right? Screw what anyone else in the family wants or needs.

She also has anger issues--look at the episode with "knobgate" in it. She throws a toy down the stairs while yelling at her kids for removing a knob from a piece of furniture. She also says, "I'm sick of this shit!" (although "shit") was edited out. To three year-olds. One of whom removed a knob that could easily have become unscrewed by itself with use---a child may've just touched the knob and it could've fallen off. This has happened in my house--no big deal. Screw or glue the knob back on--end of story. But to Kate, this was an excuse to vent her anger and frustration at being a mom to sextuplets and launching the Spanish Inquisition. OK--we've all "lost it" at one time or another--but over a KNOB??? Her anger isn't really about the "knob", I know--she's angry about her "stuff" getting damaged by her kids--that says, to me, that she places a higher value over things than people.

Same thing with the gum.
And the ice cream at Disney World.
And the washable markers at the Crayola Factory.
And being in a snit over the fondant and icing at the bakery.
And not letting the kids roll on the grass at the ice-cream place.

Deep down, I do think Kate loves her kids, but in a way that she sees the children as an extension and reflection of herself. They are like cute little props in HER life-- sort of a collection of little dolls that she can dress up and show off to the world. She has a hard time letting go of her own feelings and need for control and viewing her children as complex individuals with very distinct and individual needs of their own.
Kate spanking Leah: over blowing a whistle outside. Well then, don't give your kids whistles. Whistles make noise. No other use or purpose for them. The punishment should fit the crime, and IMO, spanking was too severe for this "crime." She could've PUT THE DAMN CELL PHONE DOWN and went over to Leah and taken the whistle away from her with a reprimand. Just another example of Kate's temper and over-reacting to life's irritations.

Financially, of course, Kate is more astute and shrewd than Jon. She is concerned about the family finances---but for whom? Is it really ALL for the kids? Do they really care about living in a 6200 sq. ft house as opposed to a 3500 sq. ft. one? Did the kids want her to have a boob job (allegedly) and cosmetic dental procedures? Tanning? C'mon--of course they don't care about that stuff. They want Mommy and Daddy spending time with them, and giving them unconditional love and support. Kate seems to believe that her kids need to live like rock stars because that what SHE wants and "needs."

So, Jon lacks ambition and drive--but seems to really enjoy his kids. No, he's not perfect, either.
Kate is so worried about keeping up appearances that she often seems to not enjoy the children.

So --who is the better parent? I guess that's a matter of opinion. Jon's the "funner" parent and Kate's more of a "manager." I hope for the kid's sake they can work out a balance between them and get them through the divorce with as little emotional trauma as possible. Here's hoping.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Reality Ratings Gold

Reality TV thrives on any controversy or drama--it's rating gold for there to be feuds, meltdowns, shouting matches, etc. Viewers want to see drama, intrigue, backstabbing and humiliation. So, of course, the story producers of these shows want people to have some sort of conflict--they don't really want people to just "all get along." Reality shows are NOT documentaries-- they don't merely document what is happening as an objective outside observer.
So, the Jon and Kate marriage drama--real? I'd say the problems between the two are very real--but did the producers of the show find a way to make lemonade out of lemons? Abso-fricken-lutely! Will they gauge the ratings and public response weekly and produce and edit future episode accordingly? You BET!
And what about Jon and Kate? Do they care what this is doing to their marriage and their family, or is the marriage pretty much dead anyway and they're just saying "Show me the money!"?

Unfortunately, the kids will have to live with the real aftermath of this debacle--they have no choice. Will the money really make everything better for the kids?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Jon & Kate Plus Eight-- The Milli Vanilli of Reality Shows?

I remember the big Milli Vanilli scandal--the duo that made videos and did appearances and received an award for being the best new artists of the year--- who did not sing anything on their recordings and lip-synced their performances. They did nothing except dance and "look" the part.
That's kind of how I view the show Jon & Kate + 8. They look the part-- cute kids, made-over Mom and Dad to be more telegenic--but it seems that less and less is "real" about this reality show. Kate is never home--only for filming, it seems-- or to be snapped by photogs when she is in town. Jon is home, but is assisted by nannies, cooks, landscapers, etc. He has been reported to be out and about at bars with young women in his "free time." And now, we learn, according to the popular press, that Jon and Kate are in a sham of a marriage. That, in fact, they can barely stand each other--but they are keeping up appearances for the sake of the show (subtext--MONEY).
They have presented themselves to middle America as an average, Christian family-- dealing with a large amount of children in a short time. What is the attraction here? They have sacrificed family --their own and extended familes-- for money and fame. Where is the "Christian" in this equation? Quoting Bible verses/Scripture does not make you a Christian. Actions speak louder than words, Jon and Kate. Do the right thing, for heaven's sake.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gosselins in the Media--Facts or Publicity Stunt?

My husband seems to think much of what is being said in the media about the Gosselins recently is a publicity stunt to get more viewers for the new season of the show. I tend to believe it's a little bit of both-- I think there is truth behind some of the allegations-- and I also believe that the PR firm and network are milking it for all it's worth. Either way, it's a sad situation for those kids. Marriage and children be damned--full speed ahead! After all, there's ratings to be had, money to be made!

Those that defend the Gosselins say they NEED to do the show and book tour/speaking engagements to support their family. Oh yeah? How did large families do it before the advent of reality tv? How did my grandparents do it with 11 kids? My former neighbor had six kids-- she and her husband manage more than adequately. My other neighbor is the baby of eight kids--apparently she grew up just fine, with a house and family of her own.

Kate was a nurse, and Jon had an IT job with the Commonwealth of PA. They had a respectable home-- not large, but it was in a nice family neighborhood and had a yard. What dire straits were these two in that they absolutely HAD to exploit their children's childhoods?

The other justification is COLLEGE-- how are they going to pay for eight kids?
First of all, I doubt that ALL eight will choose college, --but if they do, the financial aid formulas take into account how many minors are living at home and how many siblings are in college at the same time. Penn State is a good university and the tuition for state residents isn't that bad, relatively. Kutztown University is even cheaper and has many fine programs as well. Actually, people with larger families who do not have multiples are in potentially worse shape for receiving financial aid than the Gosselins.
So please, gimme a break about the financial reasons--we all have financial issues these days.

Defenders of Kate say she's bitchy, but so what? She is bitchy because she has eight kids! Jon is lazy! Kate does everything! OK--Kate has NEVER done it all by herself--volunteers, family (in the past), a private nurse, helpers, nannies--she's had help from the very beginning, up to and including the present. And now she's rarely home, so who is taking care of the kids?
Jon's lazy? (As per the early episodes)--Who got up and got the twins ready for school and made Queen Kate her morning coffee, placing it on her nightstand for when she woke up at 8:30? Who came home from work and did bath and bedtime duties?Who did the vacuuming? Gassed up the vehicles because Kate never pumps gas?

Things I've seen Jon do:

Actually play with his kids--from play dough, to snow boarding with Cara, to going on all eight days out with the kids, getting all of the kids ready for ski-school in Utah and taking them (while Kate had a headache--but went to the spa nonetheless)

Put together the kid's beds (while Kate bitched)

Paint Cara and Mady's new room (while Kate, yet again, bitched)

Build shelves to organize the garage

Build the carnival stands for the tup's third birthday

Move the furniture and rip out the old carpet in the old house

Get the kids up and dressed on the weekends

Help pack and loads the van for their many trips and outings

Drive hither, tither, and yon

So how exactly, is this guy "LAZY"? He does more than many fathers do. He may lack motivation or ambition, but I wouldn't use the adjective "lazy." Kate even said in an early episode, "I'm the plan maker, and you're the plan DOER (pointing to Jon)".

Defenders say that Jon knew who he was marrying when he wed Kate--hmmmm...wasn't she sickeningly sweet and girl-like in the home videos before they were married? Also, couldn't the same be said about Kate? Didn't she know who Jon was when she married him? That he really wasn't ambitious, wasn't in a hurry to have kids, etc.---why, then rush marriage and fertility treatments, Kate? Did she marry him because she new she could control him? Because his Dad was a well-known, successful dentist in town? I don't know--but they chose each other--BOTH of them.

Of course with any family, especially with a large one, someone has to "steer the ship" and be organized. But you don't have to be a degrading bitch to get the job done. If you act like Captain Bligh--there's eventually gonna be a mutiny.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Gosselin Marriage in Shambles

What to say that hasn't already been said about this mess? The poor kids-- that's all I've been thinking. If even half of what has been asserted is true about their living conditions--filming and mommy and daddy separated but faking it for the cameras--constant fighting between the parents when they ARE together--I truly feel horrible for them.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Jon Gosselin's Naughty Boy Behavior

Oy. Jon Gosselin's recent photo of him leaving a bar is not, in itself, that incriminating. However, his recent behavior, taken as a whole, speaks volumes about the state of his marriage. There have been local rumors for months now about Jon being spotted at local bars, socializing with young women. A married man, should not, IMO be going out to what are basically "singles"/college bars and drinking with other women. Sure, go out once in a while with a male friend for a drink and maybe a bite to eat, or, go to movie, or play a round of golf and have lunch at the golf club--in other words, there are plenty of other ways to get out for some adult time without putting yourself in compromising situations.
The fact that a gossip magazine apparently was tipped off to the fact that Jon Gosselin would be at a certain bar, that Jon Gosselin frequents that bar in the company of other women illustrates the fact that his recent behavior was not an isolated incident. He is acting out, like a "naughty" little boy, instead of taking the bull by the horns and facing his issues. Either work on your marriage, or cut your losses and move on. Merely staying together for the kid's sake is no solution. Kids are better off coming FROM a broken home rather than living IN a broken home.
I'm not saying that Jon and Kate Gosselin should divorce--but work on their marriage first. Cut down on time spent away from each other and get out of the public eye--at least for a while--yes, take the hit financially for the sake of your marriage and your family.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Money and Happiness

Money and happiness are not mutually exclusive, nor are they mutually inclusive. They are two separate concepts. Now, I don't mean to insult those who are struggling financially or those who are truly living in poverty--money can make life easier--it can buy adequate food, clothing, shelter and medical care. I'm not saying money in and of itself is a bad thing. Not at all. It would be stupid and naive to discount the positive things that money can do.
However, the love of money and the endless pursuit of more-- as some sort of search for the holy grail of happiness--is not, IMO, a fruitful way to spend one's life. Can money buy you true, sincere love? Can money bring back a deceased loved one? Can money buy you (real) lasting friendship? Can money buy you inner peace and spiritual contentment? No, no, no and nope.

The short story, "The Rocking Horse Winner," by D.H. Lawrence illustrates the pitfalls of greed and the endless pursuit of "more money."
Also, the short story "The Monkey's Paw," by W. W. Jacobs is a good example of the the saying "be careful what you wish for."
There is no magic bullet for happiness and contentment in this life. It is a personal journey that each one of us must make internally and spiritually.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Reality Shmality

OK, so I happened to catch some of "The Hills" last night on MTV--don't ask me why, but as I was flipping channels, I saw Spencer Pratt's mug and thought, what is this little d-bag up to now?
No, I don't usually watch the show--my daughter sometimes does and I have caught snippets of it and asked her, "Why are you watching this stuff?"
Anyway, I saw a fight break out between Spencer and another guy on the show at a bar. Spencer punched the other guy, and bouncers broke it up. I thought, "Isn't it illegal to hit someone? Why are no police showing up?" It may be a misdemeanor, but the last time I looked, assault and battery were still criminal acts. I looked it up, and yep, in the state of CA, assault (intent or threat to physically harm someone) and battery (actually physically causing harm) ARE crimes, punishable by fines and/or time in county jail. There is video of the incident. How come no one was charged??? WTF?
Online it has been reported that the guy (Cameron) that was punched was asked by the producers of "The Hills" to provoke Spencer and was told that Spencer knew about it and it was all "for the show." Well, apparently NOT. Spencer allegedly was not told of the setup. Now the guy wants to sue the producers of "The Hills." OK--so sue--but what about the responsible party, SPENCER? He did the crime--HE should be held accountable as well.
What is it with so-called reality TV trying to create situations that might end up with someone getting hurt? And, do we really like to watch other people getting pissed off at each other? Is this what our "entertainment" has been reduced to?
The producers of these shows are "pot-stirrers"-- they sometimes agitate situations for better TV. Reality TV may be unscripted, but it certainly is not a documentary medium.
In REAL reality, punching someone has consequences, especially if their are witnesses/video. Also, what's with some of these shows showing underage drinking--or underage people out partying at clubs, where the usual policy is "No one under the age of 21 permitted"? MTV shows have numerous examples of cast members under the age of 21 out at bars and clubs. Even if it is argued that said cast members are not drinking, what kind of message does that send to the younger viewers?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Uggghh--Season Five is Still Alive--The Gosselin Saga Continues

Big surprise--Jon and Kate Gosselin signed up for yet another season of exploiting their kids. Did anyone ever doubt it? Jon's complaining and Mady's acting out are no match for the lure of easy money and the steamroller that is Kate Gosselin!
Kate reminds me a little of my mother-in-law. If you do not want to do something, you can tell her "No" repeatedly, but the next time she has the opportunity, she'll work on you some more. She'll pretend to drop the subject and pretend to respect your feelings, all the while taking a different tack to get you to do what she wants. And she is not above using guilt or bribery. After a while, you usually end up acquiescing just to end it. Then later, I usually feel manipulated and resentful.
Don't get me wrong, my MIL is a good person. She also is a nurse (lol). She has accomplished much in her life and is a loving mother and grandmother. While I do not always see eye-to-eye with her--I would never come between her and her son or my kids. However, as I have gotten older, I have learned to stand my ground on matters that are important to me. She may think I'm being unreasonable or bitchy--but, oh well--too bad. If you don't stand up to someone like that--they'll roll right over you. People like that will keep on trying to control you unless you take a firm stand. I've had to be as stubborn as a mule sometimes to make my point--it's not easy if, like me, you don't like confrontation. But in time she's (somewhat) learned what will not fly with me--no matter how much she tries. I can now even joke a little with her and say laughingly "That's not gonna happen," when she suggests something that's out of the question.

So, if Jon Gosselin did not want to do another season and got "talked" into it--I can kind of understand how that happened. He might have gotten badgered, brow-beaten, guilted, and manipulated into signing on again--"Do it for your kids! C'mon, we'll get a free trip to Korea(?)--when would we ever be able to do that on our own?! We need to make more money for eight, EIGHT kids to go to college! What about our retirement?! Don't be selfish!" ... and so on.

But if Jon Gosselin ever wants an equal say in the matters of his marriage and family, he's gonna have to bite the bullet and take a stand one day. It won't be easy and it won't be pretty--but his self -respect will increase tremendously. His wife and his kids will eventually come to respect him more as well. Even if Kate pitches the mother of all fits and makes his life miserable--she will eventually have to accept some of Jon's decisions if she wants to make the marriage work--and hasn't she said "We'll be together forever"? Or was that "As long as you do what I say, Jon"?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Netflix Queue for Jon and Kate Gosselin

The Truman Show


Mommie Dearest

Sunset Boulevard

A Face in the Crowd

Gypsy Rose Lee

I know, it's kinda snarky, but I think they should watch these films to gain some insight on becoming a "celebrity" and it's inherent dangers and pitfalls.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Not A Jealous Hater

Really, I'm not. Envious sometimes, maybe (I'm only human). I'm one of those people who actually likes to see others be happy. If I'm watching a game show like "Deal or No Deal" and the contestant does not do well, I feel bad for them--even if they were greedy or screwed up. If a gossip mag reports about a celebrity breakup or divorce, I don't find pleasure in it--in fact, I rarely read those articles--I just see the headlines while I'm standing in line at the grocery checkout or hear the blurb on a TV promo.
I don't "hate" Jon and Kate Gosselin because they bought a large new home with acreage--it's HOW they bought the home that I have an issue with. Selling out your children's privacy so you can achieve a certain lifestyle is just not right, in my opinion. Receiving offerings from well-meaning churches is fine if you are totally honest about your situation--no half-truths or "lies of omission." Getting "free" things--appliances, furniture, trips, etc.--not a crime--if they are, in fact, donations. However, nothing in life is "free" --there is a trade off--and parents trading their children's private moments for more "stuff" is not OK with me. If it were a matter of survival--having to trade certain things like the right to privacy for necessities such as food, clothing, shelter and medical care--I would be less critical. However, that is clearly not the case with this family.
For those that say "no one is perfect"-- I say, DUH! Of course no one is perfect. We all make mistakes, errors in judgement, wrong choices, etc. We human beings sometimes act selfishly, misbehave, act cruelly or thoughtlessly. You live, hopefully, you learn.
In the end, I really do wish the best for the Gosselin family--yes, Jon and Kate included. What I mean by "the best" does not mean "the best" houses, cars, clothes, trips, etc. I wish them a loving home with parents and children that appreciate and respect one another. I hope they can have good relationships with friends and extended family. Heck--I wish that for everyone. Peace.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Reality TV and the "Culture of Mean"

If one looks at the majority of reality TV programming-- it would seem that "mean," "nasty," "obnoxious" sells. Apparently, the viewing public loves to watch people that they "hate." I wonder why this is-- has some PhD in Sociology or Psychology done a study/thesis about this phenomenon? When did this start?
Some possible candidates responsible for the popularity of meanness in reality TV story production:
Omorosa-- meant big ratings for The Apprentice-- people even loved seeing Donald Trump saying "You're fired!"
Puck on The Real Word -- big ratings for acting like a borderline nutcase
Richard Hatch-- season 1 Survivor winner--fat, naked, lazy, lying and manipulating man won the million

Simon Cowell-- 'nuf said

The Jerry Springer Show -- I cannot for the life of me understand why this show still is on the air

Don't even get me started on Bridezillas, My Super Sweet 16 and similar shows that glorify bratty behavior and conspicuous consumption--they make me want to send my first through the TV (and no, I don't watch these shows anymore--not good for my BP).

Some viewers have said that that they enjoy such programs because they are "real"--showing human behavior "warts and all." Well, the REAL real world has enough "realness" for me. It's out there for all to see and experience--don't need to watch a TV show for "realness." TV is an excellent medium for sharing information, educating, entertaining, discussion, debate, etc.--I'm not trashing the whole television industry.

It has been said that we are a nation of voyeurs--but why do we apparently like to watch the negative aspects of human nature so much? Does it make us feel better about our own shortcomings? Does watching others behave badly somehow justify our own bad behavior?

Is it Schadenfreude?--enjoyment over the foibles/misery/troubles of others?

I don't know--I wish someone would enlighten me.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Some interesting points about reality tv

Quote from Dr. Laura Schlesinger, "Reality TV is Child Abuse"

"The children in any and all of these family reality shows are being abused and I can’t understand why Child Protective Services does not see fit to act to protect these children from the juvenile and selfishly exploitive motivations of their parents who are using their children like circus animals, to entertain the base instincts of an audience.

I think we should consider as “abuse”: having a minor child’s personal home life exposed on television for entertainment purposes; having a minor child’s inherent right to privacy breached…by their own parents!; having a minor child’s normal behaviors and emotional responses to family and life stresses perverted by the needs of producers and parents for “good television” – children will, of course, be pressured to be entertaining - that immediately distorts normal dynamics; the minor child exposed publicly and on tape.

This will certainly come back to haunt them in the future as people will form opinions about them which are based on these contrived and “unreal” extraordinary circumstances. Their futures likely will be negatively impacted by this exposure and humiliation.
Bottom line, the minor child’s welfare is clearly not the top concern of their parents, who are exploiting the dependency, love and innocence of their own children for an opportunity to be “celebrities.”
Please don’t give me the argument that any money that might be earned from the television experience or interviews or appearances, book deals, or endorsements are for their college fund. That would mean that damage we do to children today is okay as long as there is some long term financial benefit.
It is not enough to argue that these children have their parents’ permission – parents cannot legally pimp their children, yet this is precisely what is going on here.
The privacy and dignity of these children have been stripped from them. They are hawked by cameras as their so-called parents push the envelope farther than any responsible, loving, protective parent should, in an attempt to gain ratings and increase celebrity status. These children are left to deal with disturbing private matters in a public forum with the sole purpose being entertainment.
Certainly, there can be no pretense at education or spiritual elevation. This is pure, unconscionable, abuse of parental power and influence. "

Note that this article was written in 2004, before the G's had a show. It was not written by a "jealous hater" of the Gosselins. Also, I am not a total follower or in agreement with everything that Dr. S says-- but I do feel she makes some very good points on this issue.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jon and Kate's Infinite Playlist

Songs that should be played for the show promo:

"Money (That's What I Want)"-- The Beatles

"Little Miss Can't Be Wrong"-- Spin Doctors (dedicated especially for Kate-- "She holds the shotgun while you doh-si-doh")

"I Want it Now"-- sung by Veruca Salt in Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

"Money" -- Pink Floyd

"Big Time" -- Peter Gabriel

"Movin' on Up" -- Theme from The Jeffersons

LOL- just snarking--couldn't help myself after their recent purchase of a 1.3 mil dollar home and a condo in Utah!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

"God's Plan"

OK--I wasn't gonna go into the whole "God" thing in respect to the Gosselins--but the recent interview and book statements that Kate Gosselin has made has caused me to abandon my better judgement and address the issue.
First of all, I respect everybody's right to their beliefs. If your religion/belief system does not condone or promote harm to others, then more power to you.
But please, do not tell me it is somehow God's plan to steal your children's childhoods away from them for your own gain. Yes, the children indirectly benefit materially from the show. Is that a good enough reason to exploit them?
When God offers us choices or opportunities, does he always want us to choose the path that WE want? If we find a bag of money on the street with a bank logo on it, shouldn't we return it to the bank? Or, does one say, "God wants me to have this money. He knows how much I need it! Thank you, God"? Hmmm.
Why do bad things happen to good people? And conversely, why do good things happen to bad people? Why does it seem that bad behavior often is rewarded? Hmmm. I don't think God is that easy to figure out, after all.

Friday, January 9, 2009

More things...

More things--
Quick use of fertility treatments at a young age--always kinda wondered about that.
Kate was hospitalized for hyperstimulated ovaries (too many mature eggs about to be released), but then went ahead with the insemination anyway (it has been debated whether the insemination was done by a doctor or the "natural" way.)
If they were struggling financially (so they have stated) after the twins were born, why try for more children, knowing the risk of having multiples?
It just strikes me as extremely irresponsible to use fertility treatments in this way--the Gosselins were very young, newly married, and not financially stable, yet they decided to hurry the fertility process. Perhaps there was good medical reason for their hurry--I don't know.
However, after giving birth to a set of beautiful, healthy twins, Kate still wanted more. Ok--I get that the urge to have children is very strong in many people--and it is a very personal choice.

Some people have strong religious beliefs about procreation--I know. However, if one wants more children so badly, and feels that they are a blessing, why does Kate Gosselin frequently carp and complain when she has to fulfill her motherly duties? Why all the "woe is me" and "we went through hell?"
Many things about the Gosselins "inspirational" story don't add up to me. I'm not trying to judge their immortal souls-- I just wonder about seeming contradictions in what they say/write and in what they do.